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Class of 2024 毕业典礼 转播画面




7:30 p.m. 春节艺术节, 沃纳百年纪念中心
Required school appointment for all students (exam dress). 邀请家长参加.


2 p.m. 春季颁奖典礼, 毕业典礼的草坪
Required school appointment for all students (classroom dress). 邀请家庭参加. 访问 西敏寺住 观看直播.
7 p.m. 学士学位的服务, 安德鲁斯纪念教堂
Required school appointment for all Sixth Form students. 欢迎六年级家长参加. Retiring faculty member Nancy Urner–Berry ’81, P ’11, ’16 will be the 教师 Speaker during the service. 访问 西敏寺住 观看直播.
7:45 p.m. 草坪仪式, 六年级草坪
所有中六及中五学生须预约上课时间(教室着装). Fifth and Sixth Form families are invited. 访问 西敏寺住 观看直播.
8:30 p.m.
六年级接收线, 六年级草坪
All students are invited to attend.
Refreshments for Fifth and Sixth Form 父母, 凯斯天井,库欣大厅
10 p.m. Boarding Students Check In on Corridor, Day Students Depart Campus


8 a.m.
Presentation of Sixth Form Flowers, 毕业典礼 Rehearsal and Family Photos, 凯斯门廊
所有六年级学生必须预约学校(毕业典礼礼服). 毕业典礼彩排前或彩排后,家长及毕业生可与专业摄影师合照.
9:30 a.m.
六年级班级照片, 库欣大厅
Required school appointment for all Sixth Form students.
10 a.m.
毕业典礼, 毕业典礼的草坪
Required school appointment for all students. 访问 西敏寺住 观看直播. Photographers will be available for family photos after 毕业典礼.
提供自助午餐, 阿姆斯特朗食堂
1 p.m. End-of-year departure for Sixth Formers


After serving 41 years on the Westminster faculty, 斯科特·史蒂文斯,P ' 07, ’09, 我将有幸为2024届毕业生发表毕业典礼演讲.

斯科特于1983年来到校园, 刚从大学毕业, teaching English and coaching hockey and lacrosse. 他对学校的奉献和承诺在他和他的妻子之后继续蓬勃发展, 艾米, married and began a life together at Westminster. They raised their three children on the Hill: Nick ’07, 米德尔伯里学院的毕业生; Abby ’09, a graduate of the University of Vermont; and Will ’12, 米德尔伯里学院的毕业生. They also have two grandsons, George and Walt.

在威斯敏斯特任职期间, 从2002年开始,斯科特在校外担任过几个重要职位,先是发展主任,后来又在现在的发展办公室担任发展副校长. 在后一个角色中, he was an ambassador and fundraiser for Westminster, forging many relationships among alumni, 父母和朋友. In 2015, 他回到了他曾经教过三年级和六年级学生英语的教室,很高兴地观察他们的进步和见解. 当2015年女子大学高尔夫项目开始时,他很高兴地担任了球队的教练. 他曾担任学生主任和住宿生活主任,并曾担任无数学生的顾问. In 1999, he was a recipient of the O’Brien Award, 表彰他对培养和支持学生的个人承诺.

Scott graduated from The Hotchkiss School, earned his B.A. in English from the University of Vermont and his M.A. 米德尔伯里学院, 他和他妻子在哪里, 艾米, completed a five-year program at Middlebury’s Bread Loaf School of English. In 2018, 斯科特获得了一年的休假,这对夫妇可以继续追求他们对旅行的热情, which included touring Southeast Asia. 

斯科特和艾米计划住在附近的辛姆斯伯里,他们和那里的社区有很多联系. While he is retiring from teaching, 斯科特将继续担任私立学校管理人员的顾问, 用他几十年的经验和知识来培养新一代的教育工作者.


List of 10 frequently asked questions.

  • 谁可以参加毕业典礼?

    Immediate family members, approximately 10-12 people, are welcome to attend.
  • 客人应该把车停在哪里??

    Guests will be directed to park behind Armour 学术中心. 请 do not park around the 六年级草坪 during 毕业典礼 Weekend. 
  • Are there reserved seats for 毕业典礼?

    毕业生和特别嘉宾将在帐篷前面预留座位. 为家庭和其他客人提供座位,先到先得. 希望持有座位的家庭或学生可以在上午7点开始在个别座位上放置标语牌.m. 在周六. 任何在早上7点前放置的标语牌.m. 将被移除.
  • 我们可以住在哪里?? Where can we have dinner on Friday evening?

    点击这里 to see a list of area hotels and restaurants. Make dinner reservations early and plan to be back to campus before 7 p.m. 草坪仪式.
  • Where can we have lunch 在周六?

    Following the 毕业典礼 Ceremony, everyone is welcome to enjoy a buffet lunch in 阿姆斯特朗食堂.
  • Will photographs be taken of each student?

    Highpoint Pictures将在整个周六上午拍摄偷拍和正式照片. 毕业证书发给学生时和学生离开舞台后,将有专业摄影师为学生拍照. 我们鼓励来宾在毕业典礼前后向摄影师索要全家福. Highpoint Pictures将在毕业典礼后两周左右向六年级家长发送电子邮件, when the photos are ready to be reviewed and purchased.
  • 赛事会进行直播吗? 

    周五的颁奖典礼、学士学位典礼和草坪典礼将进行直播. 毕业典礼 Exercises are scheduled to be livestreamed 在周六 morning. All livestreams can be accessed at 在活动当天. 
  • Can the school accommodate guests with mobility issues?

    行动不便的客人应在armor学术中心入口处下车. 高尔夫球车将提供给需要帮助的客人前往周五晚上的草坪仪式或毕业典礼草坪上的帐篷. 请 contact Kerry Masiero, Executive Assistant to the 校长, at or 860-408-3012 to address any additional issues. We will make every effort to accommodate your request.
  • When do Sixth Form students depart?

    Sixth Form students depart campus at 1 p.m. 毕业典礼后. 家庭可以在毕业典礼前或毕业典礼后立即收拾行李.
  • Are pets allowed on campus for 毕业典礼?

    While service animals are welcome on campus, 我们要求非服务性动物不要在毕业典礼周末被带到校园.

Downloads for At-Home Celebrations

Celebrate the Class of 2024 in style. 下面是一些精选的商标, 图形和打印机友好的标志,让家庭可以自豪地装饰他们的家. Click the graphic you want to download. 每个图形将在一个新窗口中打开,并允许您下载该图形的pdf格式.



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F. (860) 408 3001
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In keeping with our support for a diverse community, 威斯敏斯特遵守所有适用的联邦和州法律,不歧视任何受保护的特征, 包括种族, color, 宗教信仰, 性, 性取向, 性别认同或表达, 国家和民族出身, ancestry and/or disability in administration of its educational policies, 皇冠2021app下载地址政策, 奖学金和贷款项目, and athletic and other school-administered 项目. Westminster admits students of any race, color, 国家和民族出身 to all the rights, 特权, 项目, 以及学院一般给予或提供给学生的活动. 
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